Id Do It Over Again You Were Never My Friend

Heartbreak doesn't discriminate. It doesn't inquire if you dated and for how long. Heartbreak doesn't care for labels. It doesn't feel any less real just because they weren't your fellow or girlfriend. Sometimes it hurts, even more, getting over someone you were never with solely because at that place's that what if cistron that plays into it.

When relationships accept labels you're either together or you lot're non. You lot're either single or with them. Only when y'all're emotionally invested in someone who won't commit to you or give you what you lot demand yous constantly seek validation through lines that are blurry and rewritten time and time again.

You hold onto hope that one day information technology will be something.

But and so you get striking with a cold reality that this affair you are so emotionally invested in has come to a dead end.

The hard function well-nigh endings is when there wasn't a start to compare it to. Suddenly you lot were just emotionally invested in this person with no going back.

Then information technology'south over and you lot're just expected to exist okay.

Yous're left having to mourn a human relationship that wasn't really one but you loved them similar it was real.

Feelings are existent and you lot don't demand a label to justify that.

Don't allow someone make yous feel guilty for this heartbreak. Sometimes nosotros dear people we didn't appointment deeper than anyone nosotros did.

It's non a breakup but it feels like 1. You aren't sleeping at night. You find yourself crying at three am. Yous wake upwards tired looking at your phone remembering when they used to be that text or notification you woke upwardly to. Now your phone it a little more silent. Yous miss them but yous also miss the possibility and conventionalities that this could accept been something. The pain is a little deeper but you lot tin't express these things publicly.

You can't break down because if you do people will try and justify this reaction and say something like, "well you didn't even date?"

You don't have to engagement people to autumn in love with them. And you don't have to date people to go hurt past them. When your center is invested in someone the hurting feels exactly the aforementioned.

Just the hardest part is trying to move on when they don't realize y'all are hurting. When they don't even realize how much of an emotional toll you took on them.

So y'all answer their texts. You lot try and be strong. You pretend that you have the circumstances and you guys can be friendly and cordial.

But information technology's destroying yous every time they accomplish out because seeing them is this reminder of what you'll never be. And you lot're losing sleep over someone who is probably sleeping with someone else.

I know how much it hurts. I know what information technology'due south like to replay everything in the past wondering what signs you read wrong. I know what it's similar to spend time with someone that you might non even have had a physical relationship with but emotionally information technology couldn't have just been yous that felt information technology.

And I know what it'south like to not exist able to clearly articulate this pain that consumes you. Yous got your heart broken by someone who should exist easy to get over. But when yous love someone and you really wanted to be something more the pain y'all feel is something that will accept fourth dimension to get over. And that'south okay.

But what isn't okay is you trying to be stiff past keeping them in your life.

Peradventure they notice equally you pull abroad. Perchance they realize y'all aren't talking every bit much. Maybe they call you out on it wondering if something is incorrect.

And part of you wants to scream yes. I'grand hurt. I feel completely cleaved. You destroyed me. Merely you stay silent because something about mourning an ending when there wasn't actually a beginning makes you await like a fool.

But it's non all on you. This person led yous to believe something was there. Had they been completely honest from the start you wouldn't have fallen so fast but they didn't. Instead, they knew how you felt peradventure they added fuel to the fire. Maybe in that location was a concrete relationship there without a characterization. Maybe they told you everything you wanted to hear to go along you lot around because your presence boosted their ego.

Regardless of how it applies to yous and your state of affairs, someone let you autumn for them when they had no intention of catching you. So don't experience guilty for these pain you feel you have to repress merely because in that location wasn't some characterization attached to it.

Cry as hard as yous need to. Feel things every bit securely as you do. Pull abroad without an explanation because you don't deserve this hurting and they don't deserve you.

Just be sure that when you practise heal and your tears dry out y'all never allow them to make you feel this manner over again.

Because just as you lot deserved a relationship in all this, you besides deserve fourth dimension to heal fifty-fifty if they weren't yours completely. Thought Catalog Logo Mark


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