Beyond the Beef Beyond the Beef Matn

" A cannibalism problem? Really? I'm then glad you weren't eaten! " — Yes Man

Beyond the Beef is a side quest in Fallout: New Vegas.


  • one Synopsis
  • 2 Quick walkthrough
  • 3 Detailed walkthrough
    • 3.1 Working with Mortimer
      • iii.1.ane Return Ted to his begetter and find a substitute for the banquet
        • iii.ane.1.1 Quest stages
      • 3.1.2 Impale Ted, and frame his father for the murder
        • iii.1.2.1 Quest stages
    • three.2 Post-obit the Investigator
      • 3.two.1 Quest stages
    • 3.three The Bloodthirsty Courier
  • 4 Notes
  • 5 Behind the scenes
  • 6 Bugs
  • 7 Gallery
  • 8 References


Well known brahmin rancher Heck Gunderson asks the Courier to track downwardly his son Ted, who has disappeared in the Ultra-Luxe Casino Hotel. Ted was kidnapped past agents of Mortimer of the White Glove Club, in an endeavour to return the White Glove Society to cannibalism.

Warning: This quest is tied to Pheeble Will. If choosing the vengeful manner to kill Heck Gunderson and/or his son, depending on your choices, it is possible to fail one of the ii quests.

Quick walkthrough

Side Quest: Beyond the Beef
Become to the Ultra-Luxe casino and speak with Heck Gunderson.
Speak with Marjorie so Mortimer, the managers of the Ultra-Luxe.
Sort out everyone's problems by either:
Aid return Heck Gunderson'due south son to him alive, curing the White Glove Society cannibalism in the process. Help render Heck Gunderson'due south son to him live and help Mortimer return the White Glove Guild to cannibalism past killing one of your human being companions or a man named Carlyle St. Clair 3. Impale and cook Heck Gunderson'southward son, blame his begetter for the murder, and assist the White Glove Society render to cannibalism. Kill every White Glove member you see on the way to Ted and lead him out live.
Reward: 100 or 500 XP, 250 or 500 caps and the Strip fame or White Glove Club fame.

Detailed walkthrough

In the Ultra-Luxe casino, the Courier finds Heck Gunderson, a wealthy brahmin baron, sitting at the bar and upset about his missing son. Later on questioning the purpose of his visit, one can offer assistance in finding his son, Ted Gunderson. And then go talk with Marjorie, one of the managers of the Ultra-Luxe Casino & Hotel, located at the Gourmand restaurant and learn that a bride went missing in the hotel, which is damaging their reputation. At some betoken in the conversation she will inform you that the White Glove Society were cannibals, but this exercise is now forbidden. You have the option to tell her that you are a cannibal likewise, every bit a prevarication (unless you lot accept the Cannibal perk), which does non impress her and will atomic number 82 to White Glove Guild infamy.

Afterwards you lot inform her that you are looking for another homo, much to her disbelief, she will tell you lot to find the other director, Mortimer. When talking to Mortimer you take several options.

  • Yous can lie, with a Spoken language of 62, or utilize the Cannibal perk, to tell him that you are a cannibal also (no infamy gained), he will be euphoric and explain his plan to return the White Glove Society to cannibalism, by killing or arranging a substitute for Ted Gunderson.
  • You tin can just ask him directly if you have evil Karma and non-neutral Strip reputation.
  • You can follow Marjorie's advice and ask him near an investigator searching for clues about a missing bride in the hotel.

Working with Mortimer

Mortimer is very displeased that the Society is denying their basic impulses and wishes the render of the erstwhile practices. For this, he volition arrange a feast in which members volition be served meals prepared with human mankind. For this purpose he arranged a kidnapping, but the victim was able to escape. Having to detect a substitute at the last minute, those loyal to him kidnapped Ted Gunderson, son of Heck Gunderson, a very powerful brahmin baron.

Mortimer wants to get rid of Ted in a way that doesn't leave any suspicion of the Ultra-Luxe; or, if it's non possible, kill Ted and utilise him as a meal, framing his male parent for the death. If you want to spare Ted's life you have to provide a substitute for the feast, which tin exist 1 of your human companions if you give this proposition to him or the original victim that was able to escape, Carlyle St. Clair III. Annotation, that y'all can't use fake foreign pie for this task. He and then will provide keys for the Ultra-Luxe freezer, Gourmand kitchen and Ultra-Luxe Penthouse, as well every bit a cattle prod.

Return Ted to his male parent and discover a substitute for the feast

  • If you lot desire to return Ted live to his father, go to the Gourmand restaurant and use the elevator to go to the basement.
  • A White Glove Club guard will inquire what you lot are doing there. Inform him that Mortimer wishes to get rid of the child without arousing suspicion if he cooperates, with a 55 Speech check.
  • Open the freezer and talk to Ted. You take to prevarication almost the people who did this to him and pass a 38 Voice communication check, indicating that possibly it was some competitors trying to screw his father's negotiation well-nigh brahmin with the "White Pants Club" (in Ted'southward ain words).
  • Leave with him through the Gourmand restaurant kitchen. If yous attempt to use the members-but door everyone in the basement will turn hostile (even if you lot don't open the door).
  • Guide Ted to his begetter, who will exist furious and need to know who did this to Ted. Lie that you don't know and receive 500 caps from him, as well as some White Glove Society fame.

The adjacent step is to observe a substitute for the banquet.

You may either:

Sacrifice one of your human companions by going to the kitchen and locking them in the freezer. This volition terminate the quest. Note: you will lose anything they are carrying.


Travel to Carlyle St. Clair'southward firm and convince Carlyle to go to the Ultra-Luxe, or knock him unconscious and put his body in a dumpster close to his business firm. His abode is located close to Freeside Northward Archway; travel to the gate and follow the road betwixt north and northeast in a directly line.

There are many ways to deal with Carlyle St. Clair. Y'all can convince him to go to the Ultra-Luxe with a 65 Speech check; if you take the Black Widow perk y'all tin can suggest to have sex with him in the dumpster; with 45 guns you can pistol-whip him; request him virtually himself volition reveal he was black-labeled by his family and with a 45 Voice communication you lot can convince him that the White Glove Society tin clean his proper noun; asking virtually a pain he has in the neck will atomic number 82 to a 7 Force, 45 Medicine or 45 Unarmed check that will knock him unconscious. If you don't have whatsoever of these skills, apply a cattle prod that Mortimer provided to you (make sure that your companions are away, if not they may accidentally impale him). Drag his body to the dumpster and identify him within. It should be noted that if y'all accept the Cannibal perk, devouring him will brand you fail the quest.

Go back to Mortimer after dealing with St. Clair, or your companion, and gain 500 XP and a huge heave of Strip and White Glove Society fame. This concludes the quest and the White Glove will return to cannibalism later the 7PM banquet.


You lot can steal or gain through dialogue a recipe from the head chef, Philippe, that will allow you lot create a human flesh culling to fool Mortimer and all the White Glove members (55 Barter check will become you his recipe, 55 Medicine check will go you his recipe and the key to the freezer where they're keeping Ted). This will result in Mortimer revealing himself at the banquet without the role player having to kill anyone, not even the cook. This is possible if the player tin pass a Barter, Medicine or Speech check to go the recipes and remove the cook without having to impale him. Create the dish, and wait until 7 PM for the feast to brainstorm. Use the intercom to call the head waiter. When the waiter arrives yous must either exist disguised every bit a member of the White Glove Order or hidden out of sight, otherwise he will become hostile.

If you plan on freeing Ted and exposing Mortimer, talk to him only after the caput waiter has left the room, preferably the surface area, because he volition be hostile if Ted is following yous. Use the direct route to the banquet hall, and sneak while yous enter, considering the White Glove members will exist hostile to you. Wait for Mortimer to finish his speech, walk upward to him, stand up and apace talk to him, considering otherwise your companions and Ted will assault the bouncer, causing the entire room to go hostile to you lot (if you find yous are unable to avert this, open the console, click on Ted, and blazon in "tai" and press Enter. This volition disable his AI and prevent him from attacking. Do the same for any companions. Be sure to do it again to re-enable their AI in one case you have dealt with Mortimer). Betrayal Mortimer's program, and talk to Marjorie for your heave to White Glove Society fame. Yous also gain Strip fame if you persuade (35 Speech) Heck Gunderson not to stop selling brahmin meat to White Glove society.

Quest stages
Stage Status Description
10 Enquire effectually the Ultra-Luxe for information regarding Ted Gunderson'due south disappearance.
twenty Ask with Mortimer at the Ultra-Luxe well-nigh the investigator.
fourscore Get Ted back to his male parent if he is all the same live.
100 Talk to Ted Gunderson, who'southward beingness held in a room beneath the Gourmand.
105 Return Ted to his father at the Ultra-Luxe'due south Top Shelf Bar.
110 Secure an acceptable replacement for Ted Gunderson equally the White Glove Society's main form.
120 Talk to Carlyle St. Clair at his residence north of the Strip.
125 (Optional) Lock i of your human companions in the Ultra-Luxe kitchen freezer as replacement for Ted.
130 (Optional) Accept the recipe-book from the melt, non-violently (optional) and make a human-mankind alternative and let Mortimer expose himself to the people, while they dine on a meat that'due south non human being-flesh.
200 Quest finished Return to Mortimer in the Ultra-Luxe

Kill Ted, and frame his father for the murder

If yous want to complete the quest Pheeble Will and receive a very nice reward from both Mortimer and Walter Phebus, killing Ted is advantageous.

Accept the quest from Walter but don't accept any of the Barter checks. Get back to the Ultra-Luxe and tell Mortimer that you desire to aid him (y'all may take to lie to him). Mortimer will give y'all a central that lets you enter the kitchen basement. A White Glove Social club guard will ask what you are doing, inform him that Mortimer wishes to become rid of the kid. Open the freezer and talk to Ted. You accept the selection to talk a fiddling or just tell him that you are finishing what the White Gloves started, which will crusade him to plough hostile. Afterward killing Ted, collect a bit of blood and some remains from the corpse to frame his father.

Note: This pick is still bachelor if y'all lie most your intention when agreeing to help Mortimer, but continue in listen that you mustn't agree to help Heck Gunderson discover his son when asking what he is doing in the Ultra-Luxe in the quest Pheeble Will or the choice to help Mortimer frame Heck volition not appear. But even so it is still possible to go with this option by simply going virtually the quest to help Mortimer and kill Ted anyhow, every bit the quest will but advance to the function of framing Heck equally soon as Ted is dead.

With the false evidence in your inventory, become to the Ultra-Luxe Penthouse. The penthouse can be accessed from an elevator located in a room behind Mortimer'south desk. Two bodyguards working for Gunderson, his hired hands patrol the suite and are hostile, but tin be killed without Karma penalty. Distribute the claret and remains of Ted in the bed and in the bath sink. And then get to the Strip and inform a securitron that a murder happened in the Ultra-Luxe. After making a surreal and mocking speech communication about the law, the securitron volition proceed to abort Heck Gunderson, who will resist and end up existence killed.

Proceed to Mortimer for your reward of 500 XP, Strip and White Glove Social club fame, and the event of the White Glove Society returning to cannibalism after the 7PM banquet.

Later talking to Mortimer, go dorsum to Walter for an additional reward of 200 XP and 1,500 caps or 110 XP and 400 caps.

Extra info: This method will allow the Courier to complete the entire line of tasks in Render Unto Caesar.

Quest stages
Stage Status Description
10 Ask around the Ultra-Luxe for information regarding Ted Gunderson'due south disappearance.
twenty Inquire with Mortimer at the Ultra-Luxe almost the investigator.
fourscore Get Ted back to his begetter if he is still alive.
100 Talk to Ted Gunderson who's existence held in a room below the Gourmand.
150 Impale Ted Gunderson.
160 Collect samples of Ted's corpse for apply in framing his father.
170 Distribute your samples around Heck Gunderson's bed and sink in his Ultra-Luxe penthouse suite.
180 Send a Securitron from the Strip to investigate Heck Gunderson's suite.
200 Quest finished Return to Mortimer in the Ultra-Luxe

Following the Investigator

There is also a manner to save Ted and prevent the White Glove Society from returning to cannibalism:

When you talk to Marjorie about the disappearance of Ted, she tells you that an investigator was looking for clues near a missing bride who had stayed at the hotel, and so she directs you to Mortimer. After inquiring Mortimer about the investigator, he gives you lot a key to the investigator's room. If y'all ask virtually the White Glove Social club's reputation of cannibalism, you have the opportunity to lie with 62 Oral communication or employ the Cannibal perk to tell him that you lot are also a cannibal. Mortimer will reveal his program to you and request that you help him. If you lot agree to help without lying, you will not be able to obtain the notation Matchbook from the dead investigator or meet with Chauncey. If you prevarication near helping, Mortimer will requite you the Penthouse key, kitchen cardinal, and freezer key.

Go to the investigator's room, located in the Ultra-Luxe Hotel rooms. You lot will observe that the investigator is expressionless. Search his torso for the matchbook notation, which will tell you that he had a meeting with someone in the Ultra-Luxe steam room at 4PM. 2 White Glove Society members volition appear and attack with apparel canes. Afterwards dealing with them, caput to the steam room and wait until 4PM.

In the steam room, yous volition meet Chauncey, a fellow member of the White Glove Gild who wants to stop Mortimer from returning to cannibalism. He tells you that a banquet at 7PM will serve a meal fabricated with human flesh and that Mortimer is behind the disappearance of Ted Gunderson. Mortimer'south programme is to make a speech telling the White Glove Society what they ate so they will laissez passer the taboo and return to cannibalism.

Chauncey doesn't know where Ted is, only he suspects that he is being held in the Members-Only section of the Ultra-Luxe. Chauncey warns you that if Ted is seen in the hotel, the other members will attack to protect their underground. He gives ii suggestions for freeing Ted:

  • Yous tin spike the wine with a Med-X and 25 Medicine to create drugged wine, then escape with Ted while the members are comatose (if you need a Med-Ten, you can try to discover one in a first assistance kit, although it is rare. There are three kits in the basement: one in each of the two adjacent basement kitchens, and one in the storage room next to the bath).
  • Y'all can melt up a faux meal that will trick Mortimer into exposing himself without corrupting the residue of the White Glove members. Co-ordinate to Chauncey, at the stop of Mortimer'south speech, you tin enter the banquet hall with Ted live and cause the Society to expel Mortimer.

Chauncey recommends the 2d approach, since the kickoff would just be a temporary solution, and information technology would non prevent Mortimer from trying once more in the time to come. Correct after you say bye, an assassin will appear and kill Chauncey. Annotation: Chauncey is scripted to die. Even if you lot kill the assassinator before a single shot is fired confronting Chauncey, he will all the same dice instantly as if he had been shot.

After dealing with the assassinator, proceed to the Gourmand. If your reputation on the Strip is "accustomed" or better, Marjorie volition sponsor y'all equally a fellow member and give you formal wear and a central to the Members-Only department. Behind the bar is a door to the kitchen that tin be lockpicked, or utilize the cardinal if information technology was provided by Mortimer earlier (or have the long way from the casino floor to the Members-Simply department and through the door behind the bar to the kitchen.)

In the upper level are two White Glove members torching meat with flamers. There are 6 pieces of infected brahmin meat on the counters. Employ the elevator or head downwardly the stairs to the basement. There is a White Glove Society fellow member patrolling the hallway. If he sees you and asks what you lot are doing in the basement, you lot tin can prevarication with 55 Voice communication and say that Mortimer wants to move the child, or y'all tin choose a 35 Repair check to convince him that you are a plumber checking for leaks.

Become down the hall and look for the kitchen where the executive chef, Philippe, is located (there is a Recipes - Brahmin Wellington on the counter). To free Ted, you can utilize either the freezer key or the terminal side by side to the freezer door (at a loss of Karma,) but you must bargain with Philippe first. There are several things that tin be washed:

  • You can pickpocket Philippe for the note Philippe's recipes and the freezer cardinal.
  • You lot can kill and loot him. This gains White Glove Society infamy unless it is a stealth impale. Yous also proceeds Karma since he is evil.
  • You tin can antagonize Philippe through dialogue until you have the opportunity for several skill checks. (Note: you can do multiple checks if you talk to him again afterwards.)
    • Speech communication check: With 55 Speech, you can tell him you saw a Radroach. He will encounter the pantry, at which signal yous tin utilize the terminal to close the door, trapping him inside. However, you lot need 75 Survival to make imitation strange meat pie without a recipe, or create drugged wine with a Med-X and 25 Medicine.
    • Barter bank check: With 55 Barter, you can say you lot are major publisher looking for a cookbook. Then at that place are two options: pay him 100 caps for an accelerate on the book, or laissez passer some other 55 Speech check to tell him to give you his recipes. However, you still need to detect a way to get rid of him and a way to go into the freezer (if you don't want to use the terminal).
    • Medicine cheque: With 55 Medicine, you tin can tell him "harebrained psychobabble" until he has a breakdown. He gives you his recipes and freezer key before fleeing.

If you wish to cook imitation strange meat pie and expose Mortimer, you will need Philippe's recipes and 6 Intelligence or 75 Survival to improvise one.

If you lot wish to make drugged wine, y'all need a Med-X and 25 Medicine. (If yous demand a Med-Ten, you can effort to find one in a starting time aid kit, although it is rare. At that place are iii first aid kits in the basement: one in each of the two adjacent basement kitchens, and one in the storage room next to the bathroom.) At that place is a wine bottle you can examine on a shelf above the stove in Philippe's kitchen, and another vino bottle on a table in the vino cellar room (in the room next to the other kitchen). You but need to drug i bottle, simply it cannot be taken despite the red steal bulletin. However, you can pickpocket the caput waiter while he is carrying information technology; the members at the banquet yet end up being drugged. (This makes information technology possible to keep both the drugged wine and imitation strange meat pie in your inventory, if y'all besides cook the fake nutrient and "steal" it.)

Afterwards cooking the food or drugging the vino, wait until 7PM (when the dinner guests arrive,) and then employ the intercom to call the head waiter to come downwardly and collect the vino/meal. If Marjorie did not sponsor you as a White Glove Society fellow member earlier, disguise yourself in White Glove attire before the head waiter arrives, or stay subconscious so that he does not become hostile. (For whatever reason, sometimes the waiter stops in forepart of the kitchen door when told to selection up the wine; to set up this, just close the door, and he'll recollect the second bottle in the wine cellar.) It's as well advisable to free Ted after the head waiter has left, since seeing Ted volition turn the waiter hostile. When you open up the door, Ted will be very upset, demanding to know who did this to him. Y'all have 3 options: say there's no time to explicate, tell him the truth, or prevarication and say you don't know who did it. In order to proceeds White Glove Social club fame when the quest ends, don't tell Ted (or his father) the truth, then choose "There's no time to explain" or lie to him.

Have Ted follow you out of the kitchen and to the right, beingness careful to brand sure the waiter isn't still walking back. Follow the stairs upwardly and get through the door to the White Glove private dining area (if you're not a member y'all'll need to use a key from Marjorie or Mortimer, or pick the lock). If the waiter took the wine, everyone will exist asleep. You can loot the bodies, Mortimer existence among them. If the waiter took the faux repast, crouch downwards and hide behind the bar until Mortimer finishes his speech. Note: You must look for him to finish his banquet spoken language with the words "bon appetit" earlier you approach Mortimer. Doing then beforehand volition cause the other White Gloves to become hostile to yous.

As soon as Mortimer finishes, merely leap over the counter, run over to him and initiate dialogue. Exposing him will cause him to flee, merely the other diners - the ones who might otherwise have attacked you - should remain neutral. If you are successfully able to assault Mortimer after exposing him but before he flees the room, the other diners may collectively mob Mortimer and assist you in killing him. After, talk to Marjorie to receive White Glove Order fame.

At this point you can either return Ted to his father, or you can carry out the revenge path of Pheeble Will as detailed in the section higher up.

To consummate the quest peacefully, render with Ted to his father. If you didn't lie to Ted in the freezer, he will tell his male parent what happened and Heck will want to impose a blockade of nutrient on the Strip. Y'all have the option to not let this happen with a 35 Speech bank check, which will lead to Strip fame. If y'all are unable to pass the cheque, yous will gain infamy. If you lied to Ted in the freezer (or said in that location wasn't time to explain), his begetter asks who was behind the kidnapping. If you tell the truth, you accept to pass the same 35 Oral communication check, but this time you will just gain Strip fame. If y'all lie to him, y'all volition gain both Strip fame and White Glove Society fame.

You also become 500 XP and 500 caps for completing the quest.

Quest stages

Stage Status Description
10 Enquire around the Ultra-Luxe for data regarding Ted Gunderson's disappearance.
xx Inquire with Mortimer at the Ultra-Luxe near the investigator.
thirty Become into the investigator's room at the Ultra-Luxe.
35 Search the Investigator for clues.
xl Meet with the investigator's contact in the Ultra-Luxe steam room at 4pm.
50 Detect a way to gain access to the Members-Only section of the Gourmand.
sixty (Optional) Discover a sponsor to aid you lot join the White Glove Social club.
70 (Optional) Alert Heck Gunderson to his son's situation.
75 (Optional) Go rid of Philippe and cook for the feast using his recipe for human flesh.
76 (Optional) Drug the vino at the White Glove Social club banquet.
78 (Optional) Use the intercom to call in the head waiter.
79 (Optional) Bring Ted to the Members Only section to expose Mortimer at the end of his banquet speech.
fourscore Go Ted dorsum to his male parent if he is nevertheless live.
90 Quest finished Talk to Heck Gunderson.

The Bloodthirsty Courier

Y'all also accept the unmarked option to utilise Wasteland manners in the pedant face of the White Glove Society, if you don't mind the possibility of being vilified past them.

Follow the quest as detailed in the "Following the Investigator" department above, but after discovering from Chauncey the plans regarding Ted, the Courier has the unmarked option to tell Heck Gunderson what'southward happening.

After you have given Heck the news, he offers a different solution: simply shoot everyone in your way and return Ted to him. He provides yous with a sawed-off shotgun and some shells.

Note that if you do this, y'all can impale all of the White Gloves in the casino with no Karma loss and never accept your weapons taken over again. You can even go into the cashier's office and clean it out to get your possessions back, suffering only minor Karma loss for opening/stealing things. Then you volition take all your weapons and can keep the quest uninterrupted, although you may desire to disguise every bit a White Glove to preclude unwanted attacks. Only be sure not to kill Marjorie or Mortimer or the quest will neglect. Even afterward all the killing, in one case you complete the quest you may still go from hated to idolized by the White Gloves.

In one case you render Ted to his begetter the quest is completed, and you gain 500 XP and 500 caps from Heck.


  • Information technology is possible to skip almost all of this quest and withal receive the XP points and advantage from Heck. Later speaking with Heck for the get-go time and like-minded to help find his son, simply sneak into the Gourmand kitchen via the locked door behind the bar. It is possible to do this undetected. Once inside, sneak past the 2 White Gloves roasting the brahmin meat and head down the stairs. At that place is another White Glove on patrol in this hallway. If he detects you he will face you and y'all tin laissez passer a Speech check to convince him that Mortimer told you lot to move the male child or tell him you lot're there to fix some leaky pipes. If yous pass ane of these Speech checks he will let you lot continue. Any of the doors on the left side of the hallway will atomic number 82 you lot to where Phillipe is standing. He will exist facing the wall and information technology is possible to sneak past him undetected. Backside him is the door to the freezer room. Hack the terminal (accessing the terminal volition cause you to lose Karma) to gain access to the freezer. This is where Ted is being held. Talk to Ted and he volition follow yous out. It is possible to sneak by Phillipe again. If you are detected by Phillipe after freeing Ted he volition become hostile, along with all the other White Gloves in the kitchen expanse. The White Glove in the hallway will not confront you even if he sees Ted with you. Sneak back upstairs and out of the kitchen. One time you're out of the kitchen discover Heck speak with him. You lot will have all the dialogue options every bit yous would commonly.
  • The decision to help the White Glove Order or not does non have any repercussions in the game or in the quest Render Unto Caesar other than giving some Legion reputation and a lot of bad Karma to the player. This is the but quest in New Vegas that doesn't deport any repercussions between factions, towns, locations or non-player characters. This is besides i of the few quests that allows you lot to subvert the entire progression and kill almost anybody in it without damaging your reputation or Karma.
  • The player tin both expose Mortimer and kill Heck and Ted without framing Heck. To do this, betrayal Mortimer equally detailed in the higher up walkthrough, and so kill Ted in an abandoned area of the casino and then you are not seen. Written report to Heck that Ted is dead and tell him the White Glove Society kidnapped him, which leads into the aforementioned 35 Speech check to not stop supplying the Strip meat every bit though the player brought Ted back alive. Heck volition remain at the bar subsequently dialogue ends, just depict your weapon and kill him, and then put your weapon abroad and the White Glove Society members and other patrons should go back to friendly. You lot can and so study to Walter to conclude Pheeble Will. This path earns you the title "Adept-Natured Rascal", as you volition be idolized by the White Glove Society but are guilty of breaking their rules by carrying a weapon and attacking Heck in their view. Or, kill him stealthily, eastward.g. with the silenced .22 pistol, which is a holdout weapon. Hiding in the casino behind a table is quite doable, you may have to fire 2 or three times to impale him before he turns around.
  • If you chose to drug the vino, subsequently the head waiter picks up the drugged vino, you can pickpocket it off him with no change in the current objective (the White Glove Guild members will still get comatose).
    • Also, when you enter the White Glove Order gathering you lot have the option to talk to the members. Attempting to talk to them actually opens up their extended inventory (the apparel they are currently wearing will be listed), which you can loot without loss of Karma or reputation. Even after finishing the quest, the members will not replace their clothing or masks, and they volition walk around in their underwear. Also if you wake them upward when they are drugged by hit one and and so putting your fists abroad they all will walk around the room and y'all can even so selection their pockets as if they were unconscious and the player will non be able to talk to them until they leave.
  • If all the securitrons on The Strip were killed previously, information technology can be difficult to terminate this quest via framing Gunderson as the quest markers will but point to empty spaces and the securitrons can take a very long time to respawn. This can be detrimental when playing on Hardcore as you lot will most likely have to await for over a week, during which time you will have to go along sleep, dehydration and hunger levels down. On the PC version accessing the console, targeting a expressionless securitron and inbound the control "resurrect" will restore the securitron to life and allow y'all to complete the quest.
  • If yous are working for Mr. House after the quest is completed you have the pick to tell him that the White Gloves are now cannibals, he volition then tell you to deal with them in whatsoever way you lot run into fit equally this is a alienation of their contract.
  • If you cull to frame Heck Gunderson, the securitron that comes to deal with him will be a securitron MK I, regardless of whether or not the Courier upgraded Mr. Business firm's securitrons to MK II.
  • If yous want to consummate both the Pheeble Will and Beyond The Beef quests with the most experience, the best choice is to, if you lot take the appropriate Barter skill level, get Phebus to concord to pay 400 caps for your aid outset. Then, become talk to Heck Gunderson and find out his son Ted is missing. Afterwards that, speak with Phebus again and tell him what you've institute out; he'll pay you and the adjacent fix of dialogue options will appear. Only choose 'Cheerio', and then talk to his wife. Tell her you'll endeavour to talk Phebus out of it, then do so by whatever methods are at your disposal. He and his wife volition get out without you having to kill Ted or Heck. This will give you lot 413 XP, merely only 400 caps. It also requires Speech 75. This way you tin bring Ted dorsum to his begetter Heck and receive 589 XP, equally well every bit 500 caps. You do however need Speech 35 to ensure yous get the Strip and White Glove Social club fame. Also killing Mortimer afterward you show him up volition give yous 55 XP. But if y'all complete this quest peacefully first will neglect the Pheeble Volition quest. If you already took Ted to Heck, cease the sometime quest before talking to Heck.
  • If yous bring Ted dorsum to Heck and so kill Heck, the White Glove Society volition shun you lot, simply Heck's hired gun volition help you fight them.
  • Picking the lock to the door that leads to the cashier'southward booth will effect in negative Karma, and upon approaching the cashier, he will get hostile. However, if you lot simply pick the lock then close the door, at that place will exist no resulting hostility.
  • The but way to receive Strip fame is currently to dissuade Heck Gunderson from imposing a food blockade, which is possible Just if you return Ted to his father, thus failing Pheeble Volition. Helping Mortimer promotes you lot to Idolized with the White Gloves, simply has no effect on your Strip reputation. (You can also but kill Ted and lie to Heck that yous just found him and don't know who did information technology, that will as well requite yous Strip fame, as well every bit White Glove fame).
  • As of version 1.4, neither Mortimer nor Marjorie have lines almost cannibalism or Ted Gunderson until you offering to Heck to find his son (at least if you lot aren't a Cannibal and only have loftier Speech). And, contrary to what the walkthrough keeps reiterating, this will actually enable yous to ask Mortimer for a job. Having Pheeble Volition started or not does not seem to be of relevance. Put some other way, this quest is at present given only past Heck Gunderson.

Behind the scenes

  • Beyond the Beef was designed by Eric Fenstermaker.
  • Beyond the Beef took a very long time to end during development, as information technology took many milestones to complete. It was never nether consideration to be cutting from the game, despite its bugs, because of the quality of the quest - instead, the internal discussions were more along the lines of emphasizing the need to wrap upwards development of the quest and so the team could focus efforts elsewhere.[Not-canon i]
  • If the Courier has the Wild Wasteland trait, then after framing Heck Gunderson, the securitron sent to arrest him volition say the line "Dead or alive, you're coming with me" only before shooting him. This is a quote from the motion-picture show RoboCop (1987). The voice and inflection sound similar to that of Robocop every bit well.
  • Too if the Courier has the Wild Wasteland trait, the deceased investigator volition be named "Crusoe." This is in reference to Robinson Crusoe, the protagonist of the archetype novel of same name. In the novel, Crusoe is marooned on an island where he encounters cannibals.
  • The proper noun of this quest is some other play of words that well-nigh likely refers to the song Beyond the Reef, written past J. Pitman in 1948 and made popular in 1950 by Bing Crosby. The vocal was covered by Elvis Presley and The Ventures, along with many other artists.


  • PC PC Playstation 3 Playstation 3 Xbox 360 Xbox 360 If y'all choose to cook the imitation meat pie so take it, when you phone call the head waiter over he volition stand in front of the oven and volition not move. [verified]
    • On the Xbox 360, if you put it back and then wait 24 hours, he volition accept taken it. Brand sure it is withal effectually seven PM when y'all leave the kitchen or you will meet the bug mentioned below where Mortimer doesn't brand his spoken communication.
  • PC PC Playstation 3 Playstation 3 Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Ted Gunderson may go stuck in combat manner, and will non follow you lot through area transitions. To correct, look ane hour or fast travel to The Strip Northward Gate, Ted should appear shortly. When re-entering the Strip, be cautious as Ted does not accept a passport and volition be shot by security if y'all do non brand it to the gate fast plenty. Taking the monorail from Camp McCarran will also work. Alternatively, if you exercise non want to adventure Ted dying, y'all can slowly and advisedly walk into him, pushing him towards Heck. This is assuming you practise not have to travel through any doors. You tin can besides utilise the 'resurrect' command on him from the console if you're playing the PC version, and it volition reset him. Waiting two to three hours on the PlayStation three and Xbox 360 likewise works. Also, if you have a full party, dismissing your humanoid companion on the spot, causes him to act usually (Tested on PC). [verified]
  • PC PC Playstation 3 Playstation 3 Xbox 360 Xbox 360 If you prepare the meal, call the waiter, and so get up to the private dining room without Ted, Mortimer may never brainstorm his speech. If yous try to render later with Ted, the room will become hostile toward you. [verified]
  • Xbox 360 Xbox 360 If yous are working with the Legion, and leave Boone in the freezer equally a substitute meal, make certain you impale him earlier locking him in. "Back" him up into the freezer, kill him, return the Gunderson kid to his father, and so tell Mortimer. If you do not kill Boone first, even if you hire another companion afterward he's been eaten, when you get to the Legion camp, you will be perceived as hostile and attacked on sight. [verified]




  1. Fallout: New Vegas 10th Anniversary Charity Stream (reference starts at 2:23:fifteen)
    Joshua Sawyer: "'Did I mean to cut Beyond the Beef?' No, Across the Beef... there were quests that we cutting for complexity or, like, they got out of command really quickly. But Across the Beef... fifty-fifty though information technology's buggy, is a very good quest. No... Beyond the Beefiness did take multiple milestones to end, which was frustrating, because at that place was a lot of content to make. Merely it was a very skillful quest, so we never talked about cut it, merely there was e'er similar 'we gotta wrap up Beyond the Beef so we can exercise other quests in the game.' That was more of the discussion."

Quests in Fallout: New Vegas

Main quests

Act 1 Ain't That a Kick in the Head · Dorsum in the Saddle · By a Campfire on the Trail · They Went That-a-Way · Band-a-Ding-Ding!
Deed 2 Wild Bill of fare (Wild Carte du jour: Ace in the Hole, Alter in Direction, You lot and What Army?, Side Bets, Finishing Touches) · The House Ever Wins (I, 2, III, IV, V, 6, VII, VIII) · Render Unto Caesar · Et Tumor, Creature? · Things That Go Boom · Kings' Gambit · For the Republic, Part 2 · Y'all'll Know It When It Happens/Arizona Killer
Human activity 3 No Gods, No Masters · All or Nothing · Veni, Vidi, Vici · Eureka!

Side quests

New California Republic Anywhere I Wander · Back in Your Own Backyard · Bitter Springs Hospital Blues · Bedrock City Showdown · Tin can Yous Find it in Your Middle? · Climb Ev'ry Mountain · Don't Tread on the Bear! · Emergency Radio · Eye for an Heart · Flags of Our Foul-Ups · Hard Luck Dejection · I Don't Injure Anymore · I Put a Spell on You · Proceed Your Optics on the Prize · Medical Mystery · No, Not Much · Pressing Matters · Restoring Hope · Return to Sender · That Lucky Old Sun · The White Wash · At that place Stands the Grass · Three-Card Compensation · We Volition All Get Together · You Can Depend on Me
Caesar'due south Legion Beware the Wrath of Caesar! · Caesar's Favor · Caesar's Foe · Caesar'due south Rent · Cold, Cold Heart · I Hear You Knocking · The Finger of Suspicion · We Are Legion
The Strip Beyond the Beef  · Cheerio Bye Dearest · Classic Inspiration · How Little We Know · Pheeble Will · Talent Pool · The House Has Gone Bust! · The Moon Comes Over the Tower
Freeside & Outer Vegas Birds of a Feather · Drain Me Dry out · Debt Collector · Yard.I. Blues · High Times · Someone to Watch Over Me · The Coyotes · Wang Dang Atomic Tango
Boomers Ant Misbehavin' · Sunshine Boogie · Volare! · Young Hearts
Great Khans Aba Daba Honeymoon · Cry Me a River · Don't Make a Beggar of Me · Oh My Papa
Powder Gang Booted · I Fought the Police · Run Goodsprings Run · Why Can't We Be Friends?
Alliance of Steel Eyesight to the Blind · However in the Dark · Tend to Your Business
Other Come Fly With Me · Crazy, Crazy, Crazy · Ghost Town Gunfight · Guess Who I Saw Today · Left My Heart · My Kind of Town · The Legend of the Star and A Valuable Lesson · Unfriendly Persuasion · Wheel of Fortune
Companion quests ED-East My Dear · For Auld Lang Syne · Heartache by the Number · I Could Make You Care · I Forgot to Retrieve to Forget · Nothin' But a Hound Canis familiaris · One for My Baby
Unmarked quests A Bit of Slap and Tickle · A Final Program for Esteban · Access Powers · All Fired Up! · An Ear to the Basis · Andy and Charlie · Arachnophobia · Arizona Scavenger · Barton the Fink · Deport Necessities · Big Winner (Diminutive Wrangler, The Gomorrah, The Tops, Ultra-Luxe, Vikki & Vance) · Compensation Killer (I, Ii) · Alliance Bail (I, 2) · Caching in at the Cove · Cajoling a Cudgel · Claws Mended · Claws Out · Dealing with Contreras · Defacing the Humble Stone · Democracy Inaction · Don't Poke at the Deport! · Eddie's Emissary · Exhumin' Nature · Fight Nighttime · Flogging a Dead Corpse · Friend of the Followers · Gland for Some Home Cooking · Harder, Meliorate, Faster, Stronger · Hat's Entertainment · Aid for Halford · Hidden Valley calculator virus · Highway to the Danger Zone (I, II) · Honorary Rocketeer · I Love Bananas · Fe and Stealing · Keith'southward Caravan Charade · Laurifer Gladiator · Lenk's Bad Debts · Lily and Leo · Long-Term Care · Malleable Mini Boomer Minds · Maud's Muggers · Meeting an Equal · Missing a Few Missiles · Almost Wanted · Non Worth a Colina of Corn and Beans · Old Schoolhouse Ghoul · A Pair of Dead Desperados (I, II) · Papers, Please · Pistol Packing · Playing on the Old Joana · Poor Meat Never Makes Practiced Soup · Powder to the People · Ability to the People · Razzle Dazzle! · Attain for the Sky, Mister! · Rest and Resupply · Ringo'south Caravan Rules · Rotface's Loose Lips · Saving (or Savaging) Sergeant Teddy · The Screams of Brahmin · Silus Treatment · Short-Term Treatment · Polish-Talking Criminal · The Star Showdown · Strategic Nuclear Moose · Straus Calls · Strip Search · Suits Yous, Sarah · Tags of Our Fallen · A Squad of Moronic Mercenaries · Thought for the Day · Tourist Traipse · Trudy'south Radio Repair · A Trusted Aide · Useless Baubles or Fancy Trinkets? · We Must Stop Beating Like This · Nosotros Must Stop Meeting Like This · Wind-Brahmin Wrangler · You Gotta Suspension Out a Few Eggs · You Make Me Experience Like a Woman

Addition quests

Dead Money Sierra Madre Grand Opening! · Find Collars (eight: "Dog", 12: Christine, fourteen: Dean Domino) · Fires in the Sky · Strike Upward the Ring · Mixed Signals · Trigger the Gala Event · Put the Beast Down · Last Luxuries · Curtain Call at the Tampico · Heist of the Centuries · Big Winner, Sierra Madre
Honest Hearts A Family Affair · Arrival at Zion · Bighorners of the Eastern Virgin · Chaos in Zion · Civilized Human's Burden · Vanquish the White Legs · Deliverer of Sorrows  · Departing Paradise · Flight from Zion · Gathering Storms · Gone Fishin' · Happy Trails Expedition · Prisoners of War · Retake the Span · River Monsters · Rite of Passage · Roadside Attraction · Sanctity of the Expressionless · The Advance Scouts  · The Treacherous Road · The One thousand Staircase · Tourist Trap
Former World Blues All My Friends Have Off Switches · A Brain'due south All-time Friend · Coming Out of Her Shell · Field Inquiry · He Came... And Went · Influencing People · Midnight Science Fiction Characteristic! · Sometime World Blues · On the Same Wavelength · Picking Your Brains · Projection X-xiii · Sonic Emitter Upgrade · Welcome to the Big Empty · What'due south in a Proper name? · When Visitors Attack! · 10-two: Strange Transmissions! · Ten-8 Information Retrieval Test · X-8: High Schoolhouse Horror! · X-13: Attack of the Infiltrator!
Lonesome Route The Reunion · The Silo · The Job · The Launch · The Tunnelers · The Divide · The Courier · The End · The Apocalypse

New Vegas


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