illinois ides what to do when you get a job

Unemployment insurance is a statewide government plan in Illinois. It gives money to people who are temporarily out of work. It is run past the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES).

You lot have to see certain requirements to get money from the program. These requirements take changed due to Covid. It is now easier to qualify.

Learn more by watching this video from IDES:

How exercise I apply for UI?

The best way to apply is online at the IDES website. You may besides call (800) 244-5631. Simply there are long wait times on the phone.

If you utilise online, yous must use a desktop computer, a laptop, or a tablet. You cannot use a smartphone.

Y'all cannot use in person. IDES offices are only open for limited purposes due to Covid.

What information do I need to utilize for UI?

In guild to apply for UI, you should have the following information on hand:

  • Your Social Security number,
  • Your driver's license or State ID,
  • Your employment history from the by 18 months, including the name of employers, starting time date, last day of work, and number of days worked, and
  • Your dependent's name, social security number, and date of nascence if you are claiming a dependent child or spouse.

If y'all do non have a State ID or driver's license, you will need another form of ID. It must not be expired. It must testify your name, address, and date of birth.

When should I utilize for UI?

You should apply as soon as possible. Ideally, apply within the first week of your unemployment.

The application is airtight every day between 8-10pm.

What if I messed upward my UI application?

Yous can correct your application or claim information past calling the IDES at (800) 244-5631.

Yous may have trouble reaching the IDES by phone. The busiest call times are between x A.M. and two P.M. You can also utilise the online IDES Contact Form.

Who qualifies for unemployment insurance (UI)?

To qualify for unemployment insurance, you lot must be unemployed, and information technology must not be your fault. For example, yous practice not authorize if you quit because you lot did not like the piece of work that you were doing. Or if you lot were fired because of misconduct.

You must also have fabricated a certain amount of money recently. The period of time IDES looks at for your income is your "base period."  To encounter if you lot qualify:

  1. Wait at the date yous are planning to make your claim.
  2. Look at the date of the upcoming Sunday of that week.
    • If that date is before March 31st, 2021, your "base period" is October 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2020.
    • If that engagement is between April 1st, 2022 and June 30, 2021, your "base of operations flow" is Jan 1st, 2022 to Dec 31st, 2020.
    • If that date is between July 1st, 2022 and September xxx, 2021, your "base of operations menstruum" is April 1st, 2022 to March 31, 2021.
    • If that engagement is between October 1st, 2022 and December 31st, 2021, your "base period" is July 1st, 2022 to June 30th, 2021.
  3. Intermission upward your "base of operations period" into 3-month sections, starting on the commencement 24-hour interval. Each section is called a "quarter."
  4. Add up the full corporeality of wages for each quarter and write those numbers down.
  5. Detect the quarter with the highest corporeality of wages. Ignore that amount and add together the total amount you fabricated in the other 3 quarters. The amount must be $440 or more, not including*:
    • Agricultural piece of work for an employer that employs less than 10 people,
    • Domestic work for an employer that pays less than $1,000 a quarter for those services,
    • Railroad work,
    • Piece of work for another family unit member,
    • Piece of work every bit a salesman paid past commission outside of a permanent retail business concern, or
    • Authorities-funded work-relief or work training.
  6. Now add up the wages y'all made during your unabridged "base of operations catamenia" (all four quarters). The total must be $1,600 or more, with the same exclusions above.

Learn more than nearly how to qualify for and calculate unemployment benefits.

*Not a total listing. IDES volition tell yous if y'all qualify afterward y'all use.

Why was I denied unemployment benefits?

Even if you meet the minimum requirements, you may exist disqualified from receiving benefits for a number of reasons. These include:

  • Quitting your job without practiced cause,
  • Beingness fired for misconduct,
  • Not applying for or accepting a suitable job offer,
  • Receiving unemployment benefits from another state,
  • Receiving pension payments for whatsoever week you are challenge benefits, and
  • Not legally working in the U.Due south.

For a consummate listing of disqualifications, come across pages 5-6 of the IDES Unemployment Insurance Benefits Handbook.

I was hired for a new task but couldn't start considering of COVID. Do I qualify for unemployment benefits?

You may qualify for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) if:

  • You were scheduled to commencement work only it was canceled considering of Covid-xix, or
  • Y'all are unable to reach your job because of Covid-19.

Yous will have to apply for regular unemployment benefits and exist denied first earlier applying for PUA. Please see the IDES website for more than information most applying for PUA.

Practice immigrants qualify for unemployment benefits?

Yous can apply for unemployment benefits if y'all are a green card holder, a DACA recipient, or an asylum grantee. To receive benefits, yous must have work authorization now and during your "base menses." This will not affect your immigration status.

Unemployment benefits are considered "earned" benefits. They will not make you a "public accuse," different some public benefits, like SNAP.

Not all workers are covered. Certain agricultural workers and domestic workers cannot receive unemployment benefits in Illinois. Other workers, such as independent contractors or freelancers, might be eligible for benefits under the PUA programme.

If you lot have specific questions virtually your immigration status, apply Get Legal Help to find a lawyer.

How much money practise you become?

The amount of money you go each calendar week depends on how much you earned in your "base period" (see above). To observe how much you will receive weekly:

  1. Add up the total wages for each quarter in your "base menstruum,"
  2. Find the two quarters with the highest wages and add them together,
  3. Multiply this amount by 0.47, and
  4. Divide this corporeality past 26.

The result is your weekly do good amount. The amount volition exist higher if you have a dependent spouse or children. You lot cannot claim both your spouse and children.

The maximum weekly do good amount is:

  • $484 with no dependents
  • $577 with a dependent spouse
  • $669 with a dependent child or children

See this table of benefit calculations.

Likewise, the Federal government is giving $300 extra. You are eligible for this additional $300, if you:

  • Are unemployed due to Covid-19,
  • Are receiving benefits through a debit card or direct deposit, and
  • Are receiving at least a total amount of $100 per week in unemployment compensation.

This extra coin lasts through Monday, September 6th, 2021. IDES lists this engagement equally Saturday, September 4th, 2022 because they summate weeks from Sabbatum to Sat.

Learn more almost this extra amount.

Can creditors garnish my unemployment benefits?

No. Public or authorities benefits are protected from creditors. This includes unemployment benefits.

Will kid support be deducted from my unemployment benefits?

If you file for unemployment benefits, the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (IDHFS) tin can have your electric current child support payments deducted from those benefits. Kid support can only be deducted if the custodial parent has a child support case.

Past due child support tin can be deducted from your benefits if the IDES receives a court order to withhold income. If yous entered into an agreement to pay past due child support, information technology may be enforced by the IDHFS. They volition send the original understanding to the IDES and asking the payments be deducted. The agreement must clearly state:

  • The amount to be deducted,
  • The recipient of the payments,
  • When the deductions are to be made, and
  • Why y'all are required to make payments.

Acquire more about paying child support when you lot are unemployed and changing child support payments.

How do I certify for benefits? What if I miss my certification date?

Later filing your claim you volition receive a Finding. Y'all will be assigned a certification day on either Monday, Tuesday or Wed. You must certify on the day listed on your Finding. If yous miss your certification mean solar day, you can certify on Thursday or Fri of that week. Y'all must certify every two weeks. You can practice this online or by calling Tele-Serve at (312) 338-4337.

Late certifications will not be accepted. Failure to certify on your assigned day (or the Th or Friday of that week) could cause denial of benefits or a filibuster in processing your benefits.

Learn more about certifying for benefits.

My payment was delayed or I did non receive it at all. Why is this happening?

The IDES sends a debit card a few days after your awarding is processed. However, it can take a few weeks for the IDES to determine your benefits. This may exist why you received a debit card with a $0 balance. You can besides gear up upwardly your bank account to receive straight deposit by logging into your account on the IDES website.

How long does unemployment insurance last?

Unemployment lasts for 26 weeks (6 months).

Tin my employer fight my merits?

Yep. Employers must pay IDES for every claim that is made by their employees. And so they accept the right to fight a claim if they don't retrieve it is proper.

When practice unemployment benefits starting time?

Unemployment benefits start the Sunday before you file. This ways that as long every bit y'all are able to file by Saturday, you volition not miss out on the calendar week of benefits.

Y'all must file a benefits claim by the end of the beginning week in which you lot are unemployed. If yous file later and practise not request backdating, your claim will start the week it was filed.

If yous file after your first week of being unemployed but within a year, you tin can request the IDES backdate your merits. Claims tin can be backdated if yous tin prove:

  • You were unaware of your rights to benefits,
  • Your employer or the IDES did not fulfill their legal responsibilities,
  • Your employer told y'all not to file a claim for benefits, or
  • At that place were other circumstances exterior your control.

Y'all must likewise show that you lot filed your claim within 14 days subsequently your reason for not filing ended.

If y'all did not file your claim on time considering of issues with the IDES website, inquire a rep about backdating your claim past calling (800) 244-5631.

Do I demand to wait for work while I get unemployment?

Mostly yes. You must register with and document your efforts to observe work.

Even so, if you were temporarily laid off because of coronavirus (Covid-19), you do not demand to exercise this. Y'all just demand to exist ready to render to your task when information technology reopens.

What if I left piece of work to watch my child during the coronavirus pandemic?

You might still qualify. IDES has said they will consider applications from people in this situation.

If you are stuck at home considering you lot were diagnosed with Covid-xix, y'all are unemployed through no error of your own. But you yet need to run into all other requirements for benefits. This includes:

  • Beingness able and available for work,
  • Registering with the country employment service, and
  • Actively seeking piece of work from dwelling house.

Yous are considered able and available for work if at that place is some work that y'all can perform from dwelling house (e.g., transcribing, information entry, virtual assistant services), and in that location is a labor market for that work.

Unremarkably, if you leave work to address childcare needs it would be considered voluntary. This would disqualify you from receiving benefits. Simply the statewide school closure in response to the pandemic creates a unique situation. If your children cannot stay home lonely and you do not accept an alternative, you may be unemployed through no fault of your own. You still demand to meet all other requirements for benefits.

What if I left work because I am concerned over the coronavirus?

Unremarkably you would not qualify if yous quit your job voluntarily. Just IDES considers the facts of each case, and then you may qualify considering of the unique coronavirus state of affairs.

Information technology will depend on whether you had a good reason for quitting. The reason must be something the employer did.

What if, because of my age or health condition, I am more decumbent to being affected by the Covid-19? Do I still have to become to work?

It is unclear. If you have an underlying condition that may seriously compromise your health, you may stay habitation. The Occupational Safe and Health Assistants (OSHA) allows you to pass up to go to work and file a complaint if you believe yous are in imminent danger. This means, if "a danger exists which tin reasonably be expected to cause decease or serious concrete damage." This may include co-workers testing positive for Covid-19. This is a loftier standard, and you lot may still lose your task.

If I am an essential worker, tin I apply for unemployment benefits considering of the risk of COVID to me and my family? Can I exist fired for not coming to work?

If y'all are still working full-time, you volition not be eligible for UI. If your employment is affected by the pandemic, you lot may authorize for PUA.

As an at-will employee, you can be fired for any reason with a few exceptions. Y'all cannot exist fired for engaging in a protected activity, such every bit whistleblowing, or if you take legitimate wellness concerns. You may still be eligible for unemployment benefits.

If your employer will not let you miss work during the pandemic, you may refuse to return to piece of work. The IDES website has boosted data nigh refusing to return to work. You must show you have a good reason for refusing a suitable work offer. The IDES will consider:

  • The degree of risk involved to your health, safety, and morals,
  • Your physical fitness and prior training,
  • Your feel and prior earnings,
  • The length of unemployment and piece of work prospects in your usual occupation, and
  • The distance of the available work from your residence.

Is my employer required to make united states wear masks?

This depends on your employer and the industry in which you piece of work. Face masks roofing your nose and rima oris are required in any public place where you are unable to maintain a distance of 6 feet from others. It is recommended that you check with your employer near their safety policy.

See our blog post on wearing a mask for more information.

Could I qualify for unemployment benefits if I am a gig worker or an contained contractor?

Aye. Even if your employer considers y'all a contractor, or you are a sole proprietor or 1099 employee, you should file. The existing Illinois program covers some of these workers. The new federal PUA program covers the ones that the Illinois program does not.

IDES has a portal for people to utilise for help nether the new law. You must first apply under the former law and exist denied before you can apply under the new law. You can also visit the IDES website to learn more about PUA before applying. It describes who is eligible for PUA, how to file, and how to avert common application mistakes.

If yous are in the Illinois arts community, Lawyers for the Creative Arts might be able to give you free legal help. You can apply on their website. They help people no matter if they are a W-2 employee, 1099, freelancer, or gig economic system worker.

Volition collecting unemployment affect my Social Security benefits?


If I live in Illinois but commute to work to a unlike state, where do I file for unemployment?

File in the state where you pay state income taxes.

Do I have to be completely out of work to qualify for unemployment benefits?

No. You can all the same authorize even if:

  • You withal piece of work part time,
  • Your hours were reduced, or
  • You were working ii jobs and now are only working one.

Self-employment income does not count towards calculating your benefits. Benefits are based on your current and past income. See How much money do you become? and learn more nigh receiving unemployment benefits when you work a function time or temp chore.

Exercise I end receiving unemployment insurance benefits if I am hired for a short-term chore?

It depends on your wages.

If your gross wages are less than your weekly benefit amount, y'all may still be eligible to get a full or partial benefit payment.

If your gross wages are more than than your weekly benefit corporeality, you volition not be eligible for a do good payment.

Y'all must notify IDES as soon as you are hired for whatever job, fifty-fifty if it is short-term. If you plan to continue to use your unemployment insurance benefits, you should go along to certify your income.

If you stop working once again, you need to notify the alter to IDES. You volition go dorsum to getting the total weekly benefit amount.

Tin I appeal the decision if I am denied unemployment benefits?

You have the right to appeal whatever determination that denies yous benefits. Y'all will receive a written observe of appeal and waiver recoupment if you received benefits, but were and then ineligible. You can learn more about how to appeal an IDES unemployment decision on our website.

How do I tell IDES I got a chore and don't need unemployment benefits anymore?

Notify IDES Claimant Services equally soon every bit possible, only not later than 14 days after the solar day you were supposed to certify. Failure to report your return to work could lead to penalties and fraud charges.

To study your return to work, call the IDES New Hire Unit of measurement at (888) 776-7708.

What other resources are bachelor if I practice not authorize for benefits?

If you lot practise not qualify for unemployment benefits, in that location are a few other options for relief.

The Chicago Eatery Worker Relief Fund was created to help Chicago eatery, bar and coffee shop workers. This fund will provide emergency relief grants based on demand to workers that lost wages or employment due to the shutdown for the pandemic. Grants volition be awarded to applicants who are eligible. Y'all can apply hither.

Learn more than virtually housing and money and debt during the pandemic.


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