Seizure After Being Hit on the Head Baby

Experiencing a seizure after head injury is a frightening experience. To aid you lot be every bit rubber and prepared as possible, both TBI survivors and caregivers should understand how to handle a seizure if and when it occurs.

This article will hash out why seizures occur after head injury, how to spot one, the different types of seizures, and treatment.

Signs of a Seizure After Head Injury

Seizures occur when there is sudden, disorganized electrical activity in the brain. This happens for a variety of reasons, only whatever the crusade is, the normal electrical signals the encephalon sends somehow lose their proper path and end up crossing each other. This causes the brain and body to, essentially, short-circuit.

According to the CDC, almost 10% of patients who require hospitalization subsequently a brain injury endure from seizures. During a seizure, the electrical disturbance in the brain tin cause several of the post-obit signs and symptoms:

  • Strange, jerking movements of the caput, body, artillery, legs, and eyes
  • Unresponsiveness and staring
  • Lip-smacking
  • Sudden tiredness and/or dizziness
  • Inability to speak or sympathise others

The seizure itself ordinarily lasts merely a few seconds or minutes. Once it ends, y'all may feel weak or confused, simply those feelings somewhen wear off.

Causes of Seizures After Head Injury

The reason seizures occur after a head injury is not fully understood; however, researchers accept identified certain factors that put people at higher run a risk of developing seizures after a brain injury. These include:

  • Brain bleeds
  • High fever
  • Loss of sleep
  • Penetrating head injuries
  • Antidepressants and alcohol

You tin can yet feel seizures after brain injury fifty-fifty if none of these factors apply to you. These are only the most common factors doctors have identified.

When Do Seizures after Caput Injury Occur?

Generally, the almost likely time for a seizure to happen is inside the first 24 hours after a brain injury.

Doctors will usually classify seizures based on when they occur.

  • Early postal service-traumatic seizures occur inside the first seven days after injury.
  • Late post-traumatic seizures occur subsequently seven days.

80% of people who experience tardily seizures will develop post-traumatic epilepsy. Epilepsy causes a person to accept multiple, unprovoked seizures for the rest of their life.

However, anybody is unlike and every head injury is unique, so this tin vary greatly from person to person.

Types of Seizures after Caput Injury

There are two master categories of post-traumatic seizures:

  • Provoked seizures usually occur immediately after a head injury but are caused by something else, such as a severe infection, high fever, or kidney failure.
  • Unprovoked seizures happen at least a week after a TBI simply are not caused by anything external like an infection.

Multiple, unprovoked seizures will usually lead to a post-traumatic epilepsy diagnosis.

Seizure Warning Signs

girl rubbing her head in a crowded street, looking worried because she is about to have a seizure after head injury

Before a seizure occurs, individuals sometimes feel strange sensations (called an aura). These are signs only the person virtually to have a seizure will discover.

If yous experience any of these signs, get yourself into a safe position immediately:

  • Unusual smells or tastes
  • "Out of body" sensations
  • People you know feeling unexpectedly strange to you lot, as if yous've never met them
  • Tingling or feelings of electricity in the body
  • Confusion and headaches

Usually, later on the aura passes, you'll go unresponsive. This means you lot won't be able to answer if someone calls your name or you lot won't be able to glimmer when someone waves a hand in your face up.

In the post-obit section, we'll talk over what to do if someone you know is having a seizure.

What Should You Do When Someone Is Having a Seizure?

Knowing how to properly help someone who is having a seizure is critical for their health and safety. If y'all are a TBI survivor, be sure to share this information with your friends and family so that they know how to aid if you have a seizure.

When someone well-nigh you lot starts having a seizure, you should:

  • Loosen whatever tight vesture. Especially around their neck.
  • Get them to the footing and roll them to their side. This volition assistance prevent possible injury and choking.
  • DO Non hold the person down. Belongings them still will only hurt the person more.
  • DO Non put anything in the person'due south rima oris. This poses a major choking hazard.
  • Time the seizure. If a seizure lasts more than three minutes, call 911 immediately.
  • Offer reassurance. After a seizure ends, the person will exist dislocated and broken-hearted, and possibly embarrassed. Comfort them and allow them know everything volition be okay.

Treating Seizures Afterward Head Injury

Fortunately, at that place are several anti-seizure medications available that can assist reduce seizure frequency and severity.

Some of the virtually common medications that doctors prescribe for seizures include:

  • Carbamazepine
  • Gabapentin
  • Phenobarbital
  • Valproic acrid or valproate

If those medications do not assistance, doctors tin can implant a vagus nerve stimulator to your cervix. This device stimulates your nerves with electrical impulses to foreclose seizures.

Prophylactic Concerns

doctor explaining seizure safety protocols to her head injury patient

If yous accept frequent seizures, many areas of your life volition have to change to ensure your safe. For instance, you lot must:

  • Quit driving until seizures have completely stopped
  • E'er take someone with you if you are in or near water
  • Avoid climbing on ladders, roofs, or other tall objects
  • Never swallow alone, and tell the people with y'all what to practice if yous have a seizure and choke

Equally inconvenient as some of these rules audio, post-obit them tin can often mean the departure betwixt life and expiry.

Living with Seizures Later on Head Injury

Although seizures are frightening, you lot tin get them under control with the right handling.

Whichever handling you cull, it's ever a good idea to set up up a Seizure Response Plan with your family and friends.

Having a thorough response plan will assist you manage your seizures effectively and let you live freely without the fear of seizures holding you back.



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