Portable Art Kits: Self-Care in 5 Minutes

Portable Art Kits 3

A couple of weeks ago, I facilitated a workshop on cocky-care through art. Almost of the women I met in the workshop hold full fourth dimension jobs while besides taking intendance of their disabled children or parents. They are BUSY!

Similar information technology is for many of us, f inding time to practise cocky-care is a real claiming.Whether or not y'all are responsible for anyone but yourself, I bet you lot can identify.

No thing how busy you lot are though, if you lot decide that you lot are a priority, you will find 5 minutes in your mean solar day for yourself. Idue north the waiting room at the doctor'southward office, during the terminal five minutes of lunch, or while your kids are doing crafts, you could potentially be doing art. Whether or not y'all feel you take art "talent," you can the simple self-care cards these women made. In the process of making art, you lot can release stress, clear your mind, and hopefully surprise yourself with your creativity.

Self-care cards are a great manner to get artistic in curt bursts. Using 2×3 inch rectangles of card stock, I showed the women how to apply easy repetitive patterns, blocks of colour, and layering paper for simple, but beautiful pieces. (See my samples below, also as the links.)

There is about ever some initial hesitation and anxiety when people are not accustomed to making art, and this workshop was no different. But once anybody got going,  the art took on a life of its own and it was hard to become them to finish! Most people did numerous five-minute pieces over the hour. Whenever I work with a new group or customer, I am always inspired past people'southward courage and creativity. I hope y'all are inspired by their work and their courage to create too.

Here's some of the amazing fine art they produced:


Chelsea Moses


Ajitha Nadesan


Helena Liedtke

How Can You lot Brand Art on the Go?

If you like the idea of using fine art for self-care on the go, consider creating and conveying a little portable art kit.  With simple materials, y'all tin make your own cocky-care cards anytime. Employ only lines, colors, and images, or incorporate positive messages, quotes, or self-care reminders.

You can learn fifty-fifty more with my gratuitous class The Guide to Creative Self-Care.

What's in a Portable Fine art Kit?


Pens, colored sharpies, and/or metal paint markers – the metallic ones are and then fun!

Small squares of card stock (2 x3 inches)

Scraps of tissue paper, images, or handmade papers and mucilage


Y'all can carry equally trivial or as much as feels right to you. The signal is to take the ability to brand fine art at whatever fourth dimension.

Here'due south just a few samples of what you lot might practise in 5 minutes or less:


What Tin can You lot Practise with Your Cocky-Care Cards?

Once you have a collection of self-care cards, yous may want to create a larger slice with them. You lot might decorate a box with special papers, keep them inside, and look at them whenever you need a elevator.

You also might bind them into a pocket-size book. But punch a hole in the corner of each card and and then necktie them together with ribbon. You might also create a self-care mobile, like the ane pictured hither.  I used not only markers, newspaper, and pigment, but also incorporated natural materials, scraps of cloth, thread, and string. I used a needle to poke a hole in each card, and tied them to a stick with a piece of string.


More than Portable Art:

What's In My Travel Fine art Kit?

Resources for Caregivers:


This was their 2nd Annual Intendance conference, (Connecting and Advocating Respite for Everyone) held in Marlborough, MA on Friday, May 9th.


How practise you squeeze self-care and time for art into your day, your week, or your month? What are your self-intendance challenges? What'southward the smallest thing you could modify in terms of your self-care, and how could you implement it? Practise you have a portable art kit? Where and when do you utilise it?


Source: https://mindfulartstudio.com/portable-art-kits/

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